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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Advantages of new Google Chrome Browser

Google has launched it's new Browser called "Google Chrome". Google released it's new chrome browser Yesterday and made it available for more than 100 countries. For me this is Just an new browse in competition. I bet this gonna wipe out all competition within 2 or 3 years.

Now I am writing this post using the new Google chrome Browser. And this looks so cool.

Sorry Google I have to say this that this browser has all facilities in Internet explorer, Mozilla, Opera, and safari. This is like mere copy Product and the advantage is now we have all browsers in one.

This act made clear that the Google looks forward for the
 "Internet World Domination". Already Google has the advertising tycoon AdWords Which is the NO.1 Advertising company. Now they entered in to the Application world.

Let's see What are the new features in Google Chrome.

  • In this new Google chrome An additional and a new never been before (I guess) feature called "INCOGNITO" browsing. You can open this window by file -> New Incognito window. The advantage is whatever you are browsing, downloading in this window will not be recorded in History. And cookies will not be saved. This will save you from cookie stuffing.
  • POP up Status bar. First I haven't noticed the pop up status bar for some minutes, and I was so curious about that. "How they left that valuable bar?" And I searched to enable the status bar but I haven't found it. Finally I found it. When your page is loading or when you place the mouse pointer on a link a bar is popped up and showed the status. Awesome...
  • Wide work area due to less bars.
  • Extremely fast Browsing
  • Since the tabs are on the top, it enables us to reach them even if we are reckless in move.
  • In the start page you can access the most frequently visited sites.
  • "Find" function looks and works awesomely. The find bar automatically moves to a different place if the searching phase is hidden by search tab.
  • The out line and bar of the browser is blue and seems to be more calm and bright.
Even though there are more advantages it lacks in some appearance, functions, hard to navigate. Still Google Chrome Needs some Improvement.Not bad for Full two years of work.

Let's see weather Chrome survive or not...

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