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Sunday, March 9, 2008

More than One Adsense Account ! ! ?

The frequent and interesting Question that I receive from my students and clients is "Essai can I have more than one account?".

The most curious part in this is most of the peoples says that " No strictly not! You can have ONLY ONE adsense account. Having multiple adsense account is Against the TOS of Adsense"

But I would say that "Yes, you can Have more than one account "

"Yes, You can have more than one account. "
Sounds good to me and how about you ?

Stop ! Before creating an account read this article first, because it's IMPORTANT. Google Adsense allow you to have a personal account and a business account. That means When you sign up for adsense select the category of account type as personal account. And then sign up for a Business account but with another name that means with your company name or in your mother, father's name.

The main thing you have to care about is to have a bank account with the name you specified in the application form.

For example: If your name in Personal account is Peter.
And your name in Business account is XYZ Corporation.
then you should have two different bank accounts with the name Peter and XYZ corporation.

That's all. Go and create a Business account and use the account for good will.

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