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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gmail New and Improved

I just logged into my Gmail account and I am surpised with the new theme of Gmail. They are just constantly improving Gmail and offering it for free too.

Actually I am a fan of gmail. They works so fast than yahoo and any other services I ever used. Ok, about the theme... I love the theme that gmail used before. the new theme looks so light and pale. I browsed the theme for a minute and there were around 30 themes (may be I haven't counted it well) I din't liked any of those So I just stick with the old Gmail theme.

"A good service for free" Amazing goolge. Praise you google.

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Million Dollar challenge From Russell Brunson

Million Dollar Chanllenge
Gone Live the day before Yesterday

After the long await for the next launch of Russell Brunson, finally the Million dollar challenge is launched on OCTOBER 3, 2008.

This not an typical Product Launch But a training membership site that is personally created by russel burnson to train his students for his affiliate army. He belives insted of spending thousands in adwords for a product, he loves to train his affiliate and share the profit with the affiliates.

Ok, let's see what this new site all about. This site is made more or less like a competition for the users for winning a "Brand new Corvet". Hey! this Quiz is not about any thing about the rockets, Physics or some thing, russell created the quiz entirely about the thing you love, that's it.

Now you figured it out What Am I talking about. So enough talk lets go to the site and sign up for a free account and see what are the surprises inside for you.

Get your free account now http://www.milliondollarcar.co.cc/

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Advantages of new Google Chrome Browser

Google has launched it's new Browser called "Google Chrome". Google released it's new chrome browser Yesterday and made it available for more than 100 countries. For me this is Just an new browse in competition. I bet this gonna wipe out all competition within 2 or 3 years.

Now I am writing this post using the new Google chrome Browser. And this looks so cool.

Sorry Google I have to say this that this browser has all facilities in Internet explorer, Mozilla, Opera, and safari. This is like mere copy Product and the advantage is now we have all browsers in one.

This act made clear that the Google looks forward for the
 "Internet World Domination". Already Google has the advertising tycoon AdWords Which is the NO.1 Advertising company. Now they entered in to the Application world.

Let's see What are the new features in Google Chrome.

  • In this new Google chrome An additional and a new never been before (I guess) feature called "INCOGNITO" browsing. You can open this window by file -> New Incognito window. The advantage is whatever you are browsing, downloading in this window will not be recorded in History. And cookies will not be saved. This will save you from cookie stuffing.
  • POP up Status bar. First I haven't noticed the pop up status bar for some minutes, and I was so curious about that. "How they left that valuable bar?" And I searched to enable the status bar but I haven't found it. Finally I found it. When your page is loading or when you place the mouse pointer on a link a bar is popped up and showed the status. Awesome...
  • Wide work area due to less bars.
  • Extremely fast Browsing
  • Since the tabs are on the top, it enables us to reach them even if we are reckless in move.
  • In the start page you can access the most frequently visited sites.
  • "Find" function looks and works awesomely. The find bar automatically moves to a different place if the searching phase is hidden by search tab.
  • The out line and bar of the browser is blue and seems to be more calm and bright.
Even though there are more advantages it lacks in some appearance, functions, hard to navigate. Still Google Chrome Needs some Improvement.Not bad for Full two years of work.

Let's see weather Chrome survive or not...

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Good Alternatives for adsense referrals

Since AdSense suspended the AdSense for referrals Today everyone is in the search for the AdSense referrals alternatives. For some days I thought that the Google referrals will not earn for me. But I was wrong...

I met a person in digital point Forum. There we met in a thread that was discussing about the alternatives for the AdSense referrals. There he said us that he was making more than $1000 per month with the AdSense referrals. I was really amazed. And I decided to use AdSense referrals. ( I am really a ????????, AdSense referrals is already closed. I lost almost a fortune).

Since that mysterious lost his biggest part of his AdSense income, so he was so curious about finding alternatives for AdSense referrals and most of the persons who are participated in that discussion are the users of AdSense referrals.

But No one has the answer other than Zango. But every one know about the zango and they have not been a best alternatives for adsense referrals. (Zango is a site which will pay you if any one install their software, and those softwares are entertainment based)

So was I keep on searched on the net for the programs which
are similar to zango, for the alternative for AdSense referrals
Finally I ended up with some sites which are
These sites will pay you if your visitors install a certain software...

So I don't want to waste your time so go and select your site and start make money as you did with AdSense.
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Friday, August 15, 2008

Blogger and Adsense Changed

Today When Checked the AdSense and Blogger account I am Full of surprise. The Appearance of blogger is changed to a new Level (awesome) and AdSense's new "AdSense for feeds" is finally available to Public.

Even though Blogger is a free blogging platform Google is Constantly making this blogger platform better and better and better... And AdSense it's in a whole new path. This Google guys never failed ti Impress me.

Monetizing the site is a old model now monetizing the feed is the "Top Dog" around here. For last some months AdSense allowed us to add AdSense in feeds using the feedburner.com. FeedBurner.com Which is a acquisition of Google, is doing very well with feed service.

Using adsense ad creation pannel you can ad ads to your feed and coolest part is you can add ads bellow every post. COoOoL.

Now AdSense has "AdSense for videos" and "AdSense for feeds" for public. The best part is this these launches were within a month. Keep it up Google.

But for a publisher with low feed readers the AdSense for feed is not going to make any change in earnings. Anyway we may use this in a near future.

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sites like yuwie ZenZuu

Earning from revenue sharing social networking site is been the hottest topic of the Internet. We earn from others work. Hardly we do nothing other than mailing friends, posting comments on profiles, adding new friends and make some referrals under us. It's not so difficult to do. I found a site called ZenZuu which is similar to yuwie.

For my knowledge MySpace is the first of it's kind. Since the successfull launch of the MySpace many sites like Facebook, yuwie were appeared. Now a new one called ZenZuu. This is little bit different from others.

What's different in this? ZunZuu shares it's 80% of its revenue with it's members. To earn from ZenZuu all you have to do is "DO whatever you do in yuwie"

  1. You have to join this ZunZuu under someone.

  2. Mail your friends

  3. Comment on others profile

  4. Network with friends

  5. Get Paid...

Since it is great fun to network with peoples I joined ZenZuu so you too can Join ZenZuu. If you want to Join ZenZuu you must be reffered by someone so you can Join under me or Someone else.

  1. Http://join.zenzuu.com/essaiselvan (Joining under me)

  2. http://www.zenzuu.com/ (real site)

Like this there is another site is called Squidoo which shares revenue with users.

Please write your comment on this Post

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

List of Good alternatives to google adsense

Most of the AdSense newbies get banned by AdSense team. Because they underestimate the power of google's tracking system. Ok Past is past now let's see what are the altenatives available for adsense.

WOW ! see the bellow list. Can you see the list I can't even imaging that there would be this much number of adsense rivals (this is just a list of best sites there are hundreds of them). Ok Forget about adsense, use this list of advertisers and find the valuable one that suits your site's cabability and start your Work right away....

See if you can't for get about your old adsense then get a new adsense account...

Here is your list...

MIVA AdRevenue Xpress
Casale Media
Commission Junction
MSN AdCenter
Tribal Fusion
Yahoo Publisher Network

Note: This is not the entire list of the sites there are hundreds of them so If you are not satisfied with this list please search the net for more sites.

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Adsense account banned? Need help?

Is your AdSense account got banned? Clueless what to do next? Need help to get your banned account back? Here are some tips to get your Banned AdSense account back.

First you have to figure out what is the reason for banning your account. They would have denoted the reason for banning your account. But some times that may not be the correct or a valid reason.

I know several persons who where got banned from AdSense and lost all of their hardly earned cash for no reason. They haven't clicked their ads, they haven't spammed anyone, they haven't placed any objective content in their site then what is the reason to ban their account?

There are reasons for banning a AdSense account

  1. Clicking Our our ads

  2. Including ads in Pop-ups, frames, and in adult pages or in pages containing objective content.

  3. Encourage others to click your ads.

  4. and the list goes on so please read the official notice from AdSense https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=48182&topic=8423

I think you got a good Idea for what reason your AdSense account is banned.

Now we have to find which status you are in, there are two status they are...

  1. Sorry It's my fault.

  2. Damn! It's their fault.

If your account is banned because of any of the reasons listed above you are the first case. I'm sorry your AdSense account cannot be restored and the chance of restoring your can be calculated as (0+0-0)/0=ZERO.

Yes your account cannot be revived.

If this is your status I am sorry but you can still earn from your existing sites, for some reason always another door opens when one door is closed. There are several site that are similar to AdSense so go and learn about them here... Good list of AdSense alternatives.

If you think your AdSense account is banned for No reason and If you think you are wrong then you can apply your request. But your chances are almost low because your account will be deleted if you don't have a good amount of quality traffic. So there is nothing wrong in trying, So request AdSense team to restore your account. Need help to Learn how to request AdSense team to restore your AdSense account.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

One of the easy ways to earn money

There are many easy ways to earn online. But very some of them are real easy way to earn online. A now we have a new way to earn some extra income with a simple 7 steps. One of the remarkable revolution in this web 2.0 is Squidoo.com

OK what is this Squidoo. This squidoo is a site where you can create a lens for you with which you can write anything you know about. you can sell anything, you can just write about yourself, about any product, product review, etc...

I just created a new lens that promotes my IMmoney pack. I created that lens with the title "Earn online without any investment" .

Wait, so what's a lens? A lens is... (this is the definition that squidoo gave)

  1. An insanely easy-to-build, single page online.

  2. Your signpost about something that matters to you.

  3. A place to recommend your favorite stuff.

  4. A popular way to get found more on the web.

  5. A free (yes, free) way to earn a royalty. For you or for charity.

  6. Word of mouth at your fingertips.

  7. Squiddylicious.

  8. Something you should have if you care about getting the word out,about selling something, about changing minds, about sharing info, or if you just love to create, express yourself, and play.

OK! OK! I'm sorry for over explaining it. I know what you are thinking, "How we are going to earn with this squidoo?" Isn't it?

When we create a lense our lense will have some adsense ads, ebay referral ads, amazon affiliate ads, and some CPM ads. So if any of the visitors or friends visits your lense clicks the ads or purchase anything from ebay or amazon or etc... and Squidoo will earn revenue through these clicks and purchases.

Now squidoo will share a percentage of it's revenue that your page generated with you. And you can get you payments directly to your Paypal account.

Now you may thing I can do this with my blog then why I have to do this. Yeah you are right... But there is a reason for why I use Squidoo. Google will give some Importance to squidoo in Indexing the pages. Moreover whenever I create a lense I link my link to this blog and the feed of this blog. So I will get some free extra traffic which may lead to some revenue from adsense.

So if you have a blog or a website you can get more traffic and a side revenue for you. Still Don't have a blog or website?(you must have missed several thousand dolars. Start earning through your blog).

So Now you have an Idea of how to use squidoo. Create as many lens you want, at least one a day so that you can increase you chance of earning the most from your blog. So go and start earning from squidoo right Now.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Make Money Working from Home

There are two reasons for peoples to search a working form home job they are

  1. Financial independence

  2. Time flexibility

  3. Tension free

  4. Better lifestyle

People say that “make money online for free”. Actually making money online do requires some initial start up cost and then you have to reinvest the profit in the process.

So you need a little startup cost to fuel your business. For a home based online business it needs $25 - $100 as a startup cost.

To get your startup cost you don’t have to spare it away from your pocket, you yourself can earn that startup cost within a month.(don’t worry I will tell you that secret).

Some years back people have to get this startup money all by themselves. But say thanks to Google for their AdSense, they made us to make money without any investment. We can start making money more or less within 48 hours.

So please go and download a free ebook at http://www.immoney.co.cc/ with which you can earn your startup cost.

I just showed you this way of making money online as a model to get your startup cost. But there are peoples out there who are making more than $1000 per month.(no kidding there are proof and they are top class internet marketers).

With this startup cost you can invest in any kind of “working from home opportunities courses”. But please stay away from the scams. You have to be more careful when investing or buying stuffs pertaining to “money” because there are some peoples in this niche who tries to lure peoples to buy their crap.

You can find a crap by just seeing the site design. And here are some basic scams in this “money making niche”,

  1. get paid to read emails (you could never be able to even pay you telephone bill)

  2. get paid to visit sites (never gonna work for anyone)

  3. get paid email (probably the person who runs thats site will get rich)

  4. get paid to surf (NO.1 comedy show never ever try this)

  5. data entry work etc… (NO.1 word that people uses to lure people)

So from now stop searching these words in the search engines. Stay connected by subscribing to my blog and I will show the right way to your financial free life.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Internet Marketing For Beginers.

First I am sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

All for being offline since last month. I had been working on my project "Internet Marketing for beginners". Now, I successfully completed my project and launched the product to LIVE.

I can't even reply the emails of my Premium readers. So to compensate it I am going to offer you a Free version of Internet Marketing for Beginners. This is a 100% compensation for my readers.

See my product that I Launched on 24 July at 11.55 pm (GMT + 05:30 ).

Internet Marketing For beginners


This Marketing course will show you the basic rules and steps on "How to milk the Internet". This is not a single Product, it consist of 13 marketing courses. I mainly concentrated on teaching 4 marketing basics of

  1. Blogging
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. eBay
  4. Search Engine Traffic

My regular readers know that I always love free stuffs. So All My readers will also get a free chapter of this Product. I decided to giveaway the "Blogging" chapter for free, with this single chapter you can Start earning within 48 hours.

Since all of my readers are not Credit cards holders I decided to give them a free version of my product. Moreover I don't want to disappoint even a single reader.

All you have to do is to go and download the free course from http://www.immoney.co.cc/ and learn how to blog for money like me and any other pros. but you must be at least 18 years old. if you are under 18 don't worry start the process and keep your blog running, after you crossed 18 then make money.

And the greatest Perk of the Month : All of my old existing readers will get
this 300+ package for free.
(I have your email list so I will send a copy for every one of you within 15 days. since the number of reader exceeds hundreds it may take up to 3 weeks, but every one who were been a loyal readers will get this product for free. It's my promise my friends")

Other new readers will only be able to download the free version.

If you want this Money making course for free you have to be a active member of my blog. to become a active member please read the instruction below.

Win a Free Copy of Internet Marketing for beginners

Secure your copy right Now

  1. You have to be a Frequent Reader of my by subscribingn to my blog using the form in the top right cornet of this blog.
  2. The person who are more active with my Blog will get a free copy.
  3. You have to post comments On my blog posts.
  4. One or more selected person(s) will get a free copy every month.

("This is new blog since I closed my previous blog and started this blog. so this blog wants to be like our old blog full of comments and replays. Comment on all posts and win a free copy")

Be visible to my eyes and get a free copy of my Latest product.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Blogger Video Tutorial

FREE Video Tutorial for How to use blogger.com

When I found this video tutorial online for free I was really amazed about it. I was thought about creating a video tutorial for How to use blogger beta version. And I know it will take around two or three weeks to create a video tutorial for this vast topic.

Actually the problem for me is I don't have much time to spend on this so I decided to hire a person to do this for me may be he may cost me anything from $100 to something more than that. Luckily I came across through this site http://www.recognizedexpert.com/blogger/

I don't know why they did this excellent 7 hour video tutorial but they did an excellent job for that a great salute for them.

This video tutorial teaches you from "How to create a blog?" to "How to maintain a blog". I can guarantee you can't find a better video tutorial like this anywhere on internet.

The odd thing is "HOW could they be able to give away this excellent tutorial?” Several peoples sell these kinds of tutorial on internet for around $27 to $99. But these peoples made this free. Anyway use this excellent tutorial and make most from internet.

Watch the tutorial at http://www.recognizedexpert.com/blogger/

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Blogging - No more a Child's Play

This is Web 2.0 time. The biggest revolution in this Web 2.0 is the Blogging. The blog is the shortest form of the weblog.

Blogs are just like our diary. But it became a business and it is the Professional blogging.

This is all because of the AdSense. When the Internet was first Introduced for the public use, Internet became a entertainment central. some peoples begun to use the Internet as a marketing central. That is the first evolution of Internet Marketing.

But the way of Internet marketing will change by time. The technique you learn today will be outdated within 6 months and that will be replaced by another one and that will replaced by another one and.... this cycle never ends.

So that I always say that never think we learnt about Internet marketing. What you learned will be outdated soon.

The biggest boom of Internet is this Blogging. Behind this success of blogging our AdSense holds blogging as a support. As long as AdSense and other advertising networks alive blogging will be the king of money makers.

There is a specific reason for blogging to be the king of money maker. It requires no investment, less work, payment is automated, we get paid for what we are doing for fun.

So if you want to make some extra cash get a AdSense account, Create a blog and start earning.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

5 secrets to Keep Visitors Coming Back

A lot of successful websites depend on returning visitors to account for a major part of their traffic. Returning visitors are easier to convert into paying customers because the more often they return to a site, the more trust they have in that site. The credibility issue just melts away. Hence, keep your visitors coming back to your site with the following methods:

1) Start a forum, chatroom or shoutbox

When you start a forum, chatroom or shoutbox, you are providing your visitors a place to voice their opinions and interact with their peers -- all of them are visitors of your site. As conversations build up, a sense of community will also follow and your visitors will come back to your site almost religiously every day.

2) Start a web log (blog)

Keep an online journal, or more commonly known as a blog, on your site and keep it updated with latest news about yourself. Human beings are curious creatures and they will keep their eyes glued to the monitor if you post fresh news frequently. You will also build up your credibility as you are proving to them that there is also a real life person behind the website.

3) Carry out polls or surveys

Polls and surveys are other forms of interaction that you should definitely consider adding to your site. They provide a quick way for visitors to voice their opinions and to get involved in your website. Be sure to publish polls or surveys that are strongly relevant to the target market of your website to keep them interested to find out about the results.

4) Hold puzzles, quizzes and games

Just imagine how many office workers procrastinate at work every day, and you will be able to gauge how many people will keep visiting your site if you provide a very interesting or addicting way of entertainment. You can also hold competitions to award the high score winner to keep people trying continuously to earn the prize.

5) Update frequently with fresh content

Update your site frequently with fresh content so that every time your visitors come back, they will have something to read on your site. This is the most widely known and most effective method of attracting returning visitors, but this is also the least carried out one because of the laziness of webmasters. No one will want to browse a site that looks the same over ten years, so keep your site updated with fresh bites!

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

7 Surefire Ways To Increase Your Traffic

Internet. Business. Profit. To fully integrate all of these words into a successful merging you will need another word. Traffic. Every article you will find about making your site or company successful would always include the importance of generating traffic.

So, we all know that in the core of it all, traffic is the most essential thing to a successful internet based business company. Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell, and you have your company’s internal organization well taken core of, it would be time to get to the nitty gritty of things, generating traffic.

If you already have a site and you want think that you're not getting the traffic that you're supposed to be getting, then its time to reconsider. If you are contending in these very competitive business, you should always be a step ahead of your competition, increasing your traffic flow should have been done starting yesterday.

Timing is essential, that’s an old adage known to everyone. But with generating traffic, you should always be on your toes and be a day ahead of everyone. Never think of today and tomorrow as a starting point for making your site traffic laden, it should always have been yesterday.

To help you out in generating more traffic for your site, here are some seven surefire ways to increase your traffic starting from yesterday.

1) Invest in good advertising with search engines

Google’s Adwords and Yahoo’s Overture provide great advertising schemes that are very truly popular and assures great traffic. Although with this surefire way to increase your traffic would cost some money. While some would shy away from spending money to increase traffic, it is imperative in this case to do so because Adwords and Overture is the top surefire way to increase your traffic.

You could see for yourself the success this search engine advertising methods have reaped rewards for so many companies. Lots of site feature these advertising system and many have signed on to reap the benefits. Do not be left behind. Every penny is worth it with using Google and Yahoo’s advertising.

2) Exchange or Trade Links with other sites

With exchanging links with other sites, both of you will benefit from the efforts both of you do to enhance your sites traffic. When one site features another sites link, they could provide one another with the traffic one site generates. The efforts are doubly beneficial because it would seem like both of you are working to generate more traffic. The more links traded with more sites the more traffic could be expected.

3) Use Viral Marketing

Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs or if ever low costs only. This is a marketing method that can be quite sneaky; you can attach your company’s name, product or link to a certain media such as a funny video, entertaining game, an interesting article or a gossip or buzz. With this method, people get infected with the creativity and entertainment of the medium that they will pass it on to many people.

4) Search and use proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites content

Search engines look for certain keywords that they would show in their results page. In doing so, having the right keyword and keyword phrase is a high requirement in ranking in high in search engine results. You could write your own content or you could hire someone to do it for you.

5) Write Articles that can lead traffic to your site

Submit articles to sites that would contain the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell car parts write press releases and articles about cars and car parts. Attach your sites description and services at the end of the article as well as the link.

6) Join forums and form online communities

Capture a market and show your expertise and credibility. When you found a good foundation for your site, people will trust you and your site and will pass on to many people their trust. Traffic will certainly increase because they know that you can provide what they need.

7) Lastly, Offer newsletters.

If many people know what you are about and your existence is shared with many others, you will find a loyal traffic that can provide you with more traffic by recommendation. If you arouse the curiosity of your customers they would be pushed to help you with your traffic.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Secret of Increasing your Affiliate Earning

It has been a while since we meet. Today I am going to answer a question that I received mostly from our friends.

How I accelerate my Affiliate Marketing earnings?

This about the affiliate marketing. The great problem in affiliate marketing is the url. For example the affiliate url of Click bank will be like this http://nowbuyhome.admantest1.hop.clickbank.net/ which will show people that this is a affiliate link.

so many of the peoples don't want to buy through this link so they will remove your Affiliate id and buy the product. Because most of the peoples don't want other peoples to earn through them.

1)The most common technique used by a average Affiliate marketer is to simply go to some website like TinyUrl, ShoryUrl etc and get a redirection url for their affiliate url.

2) The next method is also more popular. The redirection page.
this is a method of creating a small Html page that redirect to the affiliate page. By this the url will look like a part of your site. Moreover using frames is also a best way.

But I use a better way that is not very new but a new technique. This is a technique that only very low number of peoples know.

That is Buying a Special URL for the product that you are promoting.

Now you can buy a domain name for just $7. If you can sell at least 10 copies of a product of commission $10 then you will be earned $100. You got a profit of more than$90. Imagine if you can sell more than 100 copies and Promoting more than 10 or 20 products.

When you buy a special link to a affiliate link it must be exactly as the original link. If you are an affiliate of ixWebhosting.com then your special link must be any thing like,
www.ixwebhosting.net etc....

you may think why a real domain name this will give your customer a feeling that they are in real site not in a affiliate link. And if they purchase later or tell about this site they will say this affiliate link not the exact link.

Ok the I can guess your next Question. that is What about hosting?
There is a web hosting company that allow you to host multiple domain in a single account. And there are very very very.... cheap. They will cost you only $4.99 per month.

See the review of the Hosting Plan.

Plan Name : Business Plus

  • Unlimited Domains

  • Unlimited Data Transfer

  • Unlimited Web Space

  • 1 Free Domain Reg

  • 1 Dedicated IP

  • Ecommerce Ready

  • $25 More Free Ads

So you don't want to spend any thing other than the monthly fee. Unlimited data transfer, Unlimited domain hosting, etc. Man this is awesome.

So go and get a new Hosting account with http://www.ixwebhosting.com And buy a special link to Accelerate your earnings to 20% more.

See this is a proven strategy so go a head and feel the power of this Method.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Answers For Traffic

Traffic is the Key node of all Internet business. When I started this blog Most probably I am the only Person to read this blog. I am not interested in spending dollars for advertisement moreover I don't have a initial amount for my blog so I decided to think how to get more traffic for my Blog.

There are many websites which promise you to give massive traffic for free But that is Impossible. You must spend at least $20 - $200 to do a ad campaign in the Internet. But I was in a tight pocket situation so I decided to Use this Easy method.

The main advantage of this method is we can get targeted traffic.
Every one off us know the Yahoo Answers where we can get Answers for our questions. The real thing that most of us don't know is this that there are several thousand peoples out there with Questions to be answered in all category.

Now what's the plan ? The Plan is first select your category and begin to answer the questions. At the end of the questions you can put a link back to your sites. Simple isn't it. yes it must be.

Now how how to get maximum visitors to your site?
When you answer the questions you must answer them in the way such that the must be benefit. So Don't just answer but also help them and make a reputation for you.

so I will meet you in another post.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Way to earn online with friends

Yesterday I came across a site called New yuwie. The special thing in this is you can earn money from your friends. The earning is depend on the number of persons you know.

All you have to do is to join the site and do some blogging, upload pictures, upload images and share them. To do that they will pay you for that. You may now think How I will earn from this, The fact is yuwie will place ads on all pages of your blog, the area around the pictures and videos. Now if any one visit your page the ads will shown to them and yuwie will get paid for that. So yuwie will share its profit with you.

Now what I have to do?

You just join Yuwie and start to blog, upload picture, and what ever you can. And make everyone to visit your blog, your profile page, picture page, etc. When this is done you will get paid for that.

The payment is alloted to you by this format. Cost per 1000 page views.

You can earn extra from your referrals too. You have the chance to earn upto 10 level referral deep. They say that,

IF you and Referral under you can make 3 persons to join under your referral line and have 34 page views a day then you can earn more than $10,000 per month.

Yes, you can also earn if anyone see the page of a person who joined under you, and if anyone see the page of a person who joined under that person and it will go till the last tenth person.
See how much can you earn.....

So you just have to make your friends to just visit the page. That's all done.

You just have to work for bringing visitors to your pages and make to join under you as a referral. The Best thing I know is no one can join the yuwie with out a referral so you cannot join yuwie without a person who is already a member. Don't worry you can join yuwie Right now by clicking the link below.

Don't forgot that the page view is he key factor to earn money with New yuwie

Join yuwie now

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Ad Placement for high click through rate

You may have amazing traffic, you may get 10000 unique visitors per day, Imaging if you didn't got a single click on it.

YES, Placing the ads in the page plays a vital roll in the adsense earning. The visitors of your site will not search for the ads to click and you also cannot say to click the ads. You must make your ads more visible to your visitors. I saw several blogs with Google ads but they will be at the very bottom of the blog or anywhere in the page that cannot be seen. or in the side bar which will never going get a single click on it.

So you have a question, Then where I place the ads? The placing ads must be within the content and as the content. you can place the ads in the starting of the blog post. this will grab the attention of the readers. When they try to read the blog post the will look for the starting of the article, when they do this they will see the ads so now you have a chance to get clicked.

The best method that will help you to get maximum clicks is to blend the ads with the content. The content is attached to the ads. Some blogger templates does not support this format, however you can do this in your own HTML web design.

Some people place all the here and there in their blog. I saw a blog with the ads all placed in the right side of the blog. This seams like the blogger posted the links of his favorites, in the next second you will get at least one click. Like this there are several bloggers who are using a different king of techniques to get maximum clicks from their visitors.

The biggest advantage is we can place 3 ad units and 3 adsense for content. So we have a variety of choice to place ads.

Many people don't uses the ad units. They are very powerful medium of ads, so use the link units were ever you can. I already said about the ad units enough in the previous posts, So you want to review that use the blog archives.

In the next post I will tell you about the best color for the ads.

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

It is an Ad not only a Domain

Domain names most of us heard about this and some of us not. The domain name is a url which will be like www.yourname.com , .org , .net and so on.

This is not only a name to website, but it will also give a credibility to your customers on you. Ok now let's get into a customer shoes, will you purchase a product from a free website holder or a Real website holder? Obviously from a real website peoples. Aren't you?

So that I am saying you to purchase a domain and a hosting account. That is never going to cost you a million. To register a domain name it will cost you only less than $8 and hosting will cost you as low as $6 per month. Dose this looks great? It must be.

So go and get a good domain name.

Some good hosting companies.
This is a yahoo hosting company, they also offer a small business hosting account and it is cheap too. If you can't design a website you can get a hosting account and place a redirection page to your free page. while you use frames during the redirection to a free page will not reveal that you are using a free page.

Another hosting company is Host Monster. they provide you a cheap hosting account and a better one and a best thing is they will give you a free domain forever. Through out your life you never have to renew your Domain name. They will cost you less than $6 per month.

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Free search engine traffic

Increasing web site traffic does not require you to spend much money on them but they requires some little work. It is true that, you can get more web site traffic absolutely free. All you really have to do is find out how to make the search engines turn towards your website or blog. And it is very easy than you think.

Getting the search engine traffic is like attracting the safety pins with a magnet. without a magnet you can't attract a safety pin. Here the content and some other factors are the magnet and the safety pins are the search engines.

Getting the search engine traffic is like attracting the safety pins with a magnet

We all heard about a word SEO (Search engine optimization). What is a Search engine optimization. It is changing or modifying you website or blog to make the search engines list you in the top position. A small change can increase your search engine traffic never been before, or those same things can make your website get banned by Search engines. So it is safe to learn some basics of search engine optimization.

Some Techniques to get Search Engine Traffic and Hits:

Since the day from the search engines came into picture of traffic, the content has been the key way to get traffic. Search engines love good content and your readers too.

Updating the content is another important factor that determine the rank. Your visitors as well as the search engine need update of your website. Therefore, add quality content to your website as regular as possible.

Make your page titles descriptive and relevant. This will makes it easier for the search engines to show your site or blog under the relevant keywords so that you acquire most of the visitors looking for same content as in your site. You may think why the tittle, because they will be shown as the description in the search engine results.

Use keywords wherever you can, in the title, in the content, in the links, and everywhere. The titles are important, the content should have moderate amount of keywords. When you use more and more keywords, search engines tend to look negatively at your webpages.

Start building up as many one-way backlinks as you can. Article submission, directory submission, blogging, etc. When other popular web sites link to your site, your search engine ranking will increase, and that means your search engine traffic will increase.

If you really want to increase search engine traffic, then you have to educate yourself on search engine "optimization. That is really the only free way to get targeted web site traffic.

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

How to Insert adsense code to your blog ?

The main difficult that most of the new adsense user have is this " How to insert a adsense code to our blog?"

It is very easy to ad a adsense code to your blog. and to do that follow the following steps.

Since the blogger.com is the famous and most used blogging platform, we shall take that for our example. The following are the steps to "how add a adsense code to your blog?".

There are two Methods to add the adsense code to your blog.

Method 1
1) First login to your adsense account.

2) Go to adsense setup and get the code.

3) Now login to your blogger.com account.

3) Now you will b
e in the blogger Dashboard. click the layout link in dash board (see the image below)
4) Under layout select Page elements (by default it will be Page elements).

5) In that there will be a option called Add a Page Element.Find it and select it. (see the picture below)
6) A new window will open. In that the will be a option called

Add third-party functionality or other code to your blog.

7) Select it. Give it a title or leave it blank. In the content text area paste the adsense code. and save it.

8) Now see your blog the ads will be there.

It may take few seconds for ads to appear on your blog. If ads are not shown up please wait for 10 - 15 minutes and then reload you blog.

Still the ads are not shown up. Please contact me with the form at the of this blog. I will tell you the second method. Or Are you still interested to know about the second method? Wait some time for the next post

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More than One Adsense Account ! ! ?

The frequent and interesting Question that I receive from my students and clients is "Essai can I have more than one account?".

The most curious part in this is most of the peoples says that " No strictly not! You can have ONLY ONE adsense account. Having multiple adsense account is Against the TOS of Adsense"

But I would say that "Yes, you can Have more than one account "

"Yes, You can have more than one account. "
Sounds good to me and how about you ?

Stop ! Before creating an account read this article first, because it's IMPORTANT. Google Adsense allow you to have a personal account and a business account. That means When you sign up for adsense select the category of account type as personal account. And then sign up for a Business account but with another name that means with your company name or in your mother, father's name.

The main thing you have to care about is to have a bank account with the name you specified in the application form.

For example: If your name in Personal account is Peter.
And your name in Business account is XYZ Corporation.
then you should have two different bank accounts with the name Peter and XYZ corporation.

That's all. Go and create a Business account and use the account for good will.

Ok do you really find this usefull, please comment on it..

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Invalid clicks and Invalid Impressions

Is Making money online with Google Adsense the only aim of yours? If so please I am sorry to say that You can't make money with adsense. Yes, I work for money not for google but we must genuine to Adsense. The common mistake that most of the adsense Publishers do is clicking on their own ads.

By clicking on ads sometimes may happen in accident, But don't click the ads with purpose. You may get banned by google and you will never never be able to create another account like creating a gmail account.

Some how for knowing about accident clicks, I contacted some adsense professionals and they gave me the same answer that I got from adsense. That is

I accidentally clicked on my own ads. Will this cause a problem for my account?

Although publishers are not permitted to click on their own ads for any reason, we do understand that accidental clicks may occur. We therefore don't require that you contact us every time you click on your ads. Rest assured that your account is being properly credited for all clicks and impressions we consider to be valid.

So this answer from google will give some break about thinking of getting banned by Google Adsense.

Please don't take advantage of this answer and start clicking on your own ads Google is not that much fool . They can track you at any cost. So please never ever click on your own ads. If it happened accidentally forgot it and Don't do it again. Feel free........

If you want to check your ads, download the adsense preview tool from google and check you ads.

For more answers Ask Essai.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Website Vs Blogs Which is Best

Website or blog Which is best. This one of the great topic when the blogs are first introduced some years back in mid 2002 and 2004 (I am not sure about the dates but most probably).

The blog is nothing but the Short form of Weblogs. The blog is like keeping your diary, till the king of advertisement adsense came into pictures. When the adsense introduced after 2002 the blogs became more professional than diary. The main advantage in the blog is they are easy to use. We can update the blogs very easily without any programing knowledge.

When we came into the consideration of Websites. they are very cool very very cool if you know the programing languages. I am a Computer profession student so I love to make websites on my own. But what the main problem is the HTML is not the only language in the web design field there are other programs like JavaScript, .net, and much more. Just im.

Even for a computer profession designing a web page for himself is a unbearable thing. I hate to design websites. If you design a website of your own you will know that.

Website Vs Blogs

1) Easy to update.
2) Easy to edit at any time
3) Free blogs are available all over the internet.
4) No programing skill is required.

1) Not Easy to update
2) Not easy to edit when ever you want.
3) Free hosting is available all over the internet.(advantage)
4)Programing Skill is must.

With the over all Review the BLOG won the race at the end.

Yes blogs are more easier to update and use. Use the blogs for adsense. The blogs are easy to use in http://blogger.com

If you have any doubt in this or about adsense, Ask Essai.

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How Adsense Put ads in sites

Actually the Google has a Software called spiders. These spiders are designed in such a way that they can read the content, links and look for keywords in your blog or website. A special thing in that is they read not only your website, but also the websites that you listed in your blog or websites.

For example, If you give me a link back to me in your site, When the Google spiders read the content and link in your site it will also read my site because it read a link in your site.

When you make a new post the ads will not change suddenly because there are adsense publishers all over the world who change their content of their site. So the spider have to read those sites also, it will take sometime mostly from 15 to 45 minutes to ads get changed.

When the spiders finished crawling your site it will report the google about your site like what is the sites about, what ads will be suitable for that and etc .. Once the adsense softwares gets the report the will change the ads in your site with the publisher id in your code. Within minutes you have new ads ta da that's all.

Some times my ads will not be clicked by My visitors, Because I post the contents frequently sometimes 6 to 7 posts per hour. I will work in my leisure time so the contents are frequently changed to answer my visitors, This is the reason for sometimes ads in my blog will not look so relevant to my post. I won't consider them. I just want to retain my visitors and keep them happy anyway.

(Once a day)
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Get Targeted visitors

Traffic Traffic Traffic this is the main problem that all AdSense users have. The solution is not to get the visitors to your site but the targeted visitors to your site. Our main idea is to get the maximum clicks from the visitors. So optimize the site that the visitors get attention towards the ads in our site.

The easy way to get the attention of the visitor is to use the border less large rectangle ad box in the site. The Background must be similar to the blogs background so that the ads will not look like ads. In presto you will get instant clicks on the ads which means DOLLARS.

In presto you will get instant clicks on the ads which means DOLLARS.

The blog with only pictures and links will not get the Highest paying ads most probably a low value ads. Your blog is about Music and Nature, So you posted some pictures and links pertaining to nature and music. When Google's robot look your blog to place ads. your blog will contain only the images and link, they can't find the keywords to place the relevant ads in your sites.

For example your site is about Nature and Music and your site is with only links & images then they can't find what type of site is yours so they will place only the low very low cost ads. Moreover the blog or website which is about music and nature will have the ads of
ICICI, IBM, Travel agencies etc . . . Which has no connection between music and them. your visitors come to to your site to get something about music not about loans or offer coupons of any travel agencies. so they will never going to click on the ads.

So before you post some pictures and links please make sure that you have some valid content about music or nature ( at least 9 to 15 lines ). You may not want to be a geek in music to write about music. Just write I love music because.....
why i love music.... I love this music..... Any thing but make sure that the content is about the music. This is applicable for all type of blogs and websites.

The are other factors that decide the click through rates. We don't want to get mess up with that at the same time. let's move one step at a time. First implement it and see weather the ads are relevant to your content. It may take 10 to 15 min to ads get changed.

To know more about Adsense please stay tuned with us .

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